Game Modes



Outscore your opponent or beat your own personal score before the clock runs out!


The standard Redzone Darts game mode is designed to represent the scoring and game flow of an actual football game. In this game mode, your goal is to outscore your opponent using the same scoring system used in pro and college football!
View full set of Rules.

Scoring (points)

Point After Touchdown
Two Point Conversion
Field Goal

Getting started

  • Both teams throw one dart at the bullseye to determine starting order- whoever is closest chooses if they want to go first or get the first possession of the second half.
  • The first player to go starts on their own 20-yard line and is given 4 throws to gain at least 10 yards and move the chains!
  • Each dart that lands in the active target zone counts as a tick off of the game clock.
  • Players then play one possession at a time, throwing darts at the active targets, moving across the field, and scoring points until the clock runs out.
  • Watch that clock and use those timeouts wisely! The player with the most points at the end of the 4th quarter is crowned the champion and has exclusive bragging rights until the next game!
  • Simulation Mode can also be played as a single player. Follow the rules above but instead try to score your own personal best in points before the end of the game.

Single Player Rules:

  • No opponent, no problem! Sharpen your skills and attempt to score your personal best playing simulation mode in single player.
  • In this mode the clock is set to 10 throws per quarter and there are no timeouts. Be sure to manage that clock when nearing halftime and the end of the game.
  • A player cannot attempt a 4th down conversion if they are outside of their own 40-yard line. Once the active target is missed on the 3rd down attempt, the line of scrimmage is reset to the 20-yard line and the downs are reset.
  • A safety, interception, and fumble result in an end of possession. When one of these occurs the line of scrimmage is reset to the 20-yard line, and the player begins a new set of downs.


    Outscore your opponent or beat your own personal score using traditional fantasy football scoring.


    Forget the score, this game mode is all about the stats! When played 1v1 or 2v2, the goal of this game mode is to outscore your opponent by scoring the most fantasy points before the end of the game. You can also play Fantasy in single player mode, in which your goal is to track your stats and smash your personal records!
    View full set of rules.

    Scoring (points)

    Field Goal
    Missed Field Goal
    Point After Touchdown
    2 Point Conversion

    Getting started:

    • Both teams throw one dart at the bullseye to determine starting order- whoever is closest chooses if they want to go first or get the first possession of the second half.
    • The first player to go starts on their own 20-yard line and is given 4 throws to gain at least 10 yards and move the chains!
    • Each dart that lands in the active target zone counts as a tick off of the game clock.
    • Players then play one possession at a time, throwing darts at the active targets, moving across the field, and scoring points until the clock runs out.
    • Watch that clock and use those timeouts wisely! The player with the most points at the end of the 4th quarter is crowned the champion and has exclusive bragging rights until the next game!

    Single Player Rules:

    • In single player, your goal is to rack up as many yards and score as many points as possible! Showcase your skills as a fantasy phenom, while avoiding costly mistakes that will deduct valuable points from your score.
    • Use your darts wisely, as you only have 10 throws per quarter to put up a the performance of a lifetime! There are no timeouts in Fantasy QB, so be sure to manage that clock when nearing halftime and the end of the game.
    • A player cannot attempt a 4th down conversion if they are outside of their own 40-yard line. Once the active target is missed on the 3rd down attempt, the line of scrimmage is reset to the 20-yard line and the downs are reset.
    • A safety loses the player two fantasy points (-2).
    • An interception loses the player two points (-2). After a safety the line of scrimmage is reset ti the 20-yard line, and the player begins a new set of downs.
    • When calculating yards thrown, each touchdown should have (-10 yards) attributed to it. This is to ensure that endzone yards do not add to a quarterback’s total, just like in real football!


    Avoid elimination by outscoring or matching your opponent.


    Throw out the clock and bring your A-game! Blitz is a game mode with one objective- stay alive! This mode is like real football overtime rules but with one major twist, there is always a chance for redemption!

    After the coin toss, the first player starts their drive at the 20-yard line, with the goal of putting pressure on their opponent by scoring a touchdown or field goal. If points are scored the next player must match or beat the point total to continue the game.

    If the second player beats their score, the first player still has a turn to try to beat or match their score. The game continues until a player fails to match or beat the opposing player’s total score.

    This mode can last just minutes or extend into a high scoring shootout if both quarterbacks can string together successful drives.

    Scoring (points)

    Point After Touchdown
    Two Point Conversion
    Field Goal

    Getting started