How To Play

The Dartboard
  • 1
    Score Board
    Redzone Darts comes with pins so you can keep track of your games score
  • 2
    Use your darts to land in designated targets to march down the field
  • 3
    Clock & Quarter
    Keep track of the time left in your current quarter
  • 4
    Yardline & Position
    Located above and below the playing field are Yardline indicators that keep track of a players position and determine what targets are available
  • 5
    Special Teams
    Contains both field goals, and punts
Step 2
Field Position
A players position (line of scrimmage) sits on a field line marked by numbers above and below the playing field.

At the start of each half, and after a score, a player starts with their line of scrimmage at the 20 yardline. As you complete passes your line of scrimmage moves along the field until you score, punt, or commit a turnover.
Step 3
Advancing Position
In order to move down field a player must land their dart into an active target.

Targets become active when a target’s number value equals its distance from the line of scrimmage. Targets range from 10 to 70 yards.

For example: a 30 yard target becomes active when its location is 30 yards from your line of scrimmage.

The active targets move as you do, each time you advance your line of scrimmage a new set of active targets become available.
Step 4
Scoring a Touchdown
To score a touchdown, all you need to do is land your dart into an active target located in the endzone.

You can also score a touchdown at any time on offense by hitting the bullseye in the middle of the board!
Step 5
Field Goals & Extra Points
Field goal targets are located in the Special Teams section in the upper region of the board.

A player attempts a field goal or extra point by throwing one dart at an active field goal region.

The size of the active field goal region is determined by the players distance from the Endzone.

Field goal distances range from 20 to 60 yards.

If you hit the target and make the field goal - 3 points for your team! If you miss, your opponent takes over position from where you attempted the field goal.
Step 6
Punting targets are located in the Special Teams section in the upper region of the board.

If it’s 4th down and you aren’t in field goal range, you can elect to punt.

A player attempts a punt by throwing one dart at the punting region.

Punting targets range from 40 to 60 yards. If a player fails to land their dart in this region, it results in a 30 yard muffed punt!

After a players punt, the line of scrimmage will then move the number of yards equal to the target hit. The opposing player then takes over possession at this line of scrimmage.
Step 7


Interceptions are the diamond shaped targets and outer bullseye ring located on the playing field.

Landing a dart into one of these targets results in an interception.

If an interception is thrown, then the other team takes over at the yardline where the interception was thrown on the board- NOT at the previous line of scrimmage!

Be careful as interceptions increase in size when you enter the redzone!


A fumble occurs if your dart bounces off the dartboard or If you knock one of your previously landed darts off of the board.

Both players then fight for possession by throwing one dart at the bullseye.

The player closest to bullseye retains or takes over possession and steals momentum in the game!

Step 8
Game Clock & Quarter


The game clock consists of 15 number values.

Choose from three different game lengths at the following starting points - 15, 12, or 9.

Both teams share the game clock as it ticks down during a players posession. Once the clock hits zero, it’s time to start the next quarter!


There are four quarters (two halves) in a game of Redzone Darts.

Each quarter ends once the clock hits zero, and players proceed to the next quarter.

If the score is tied at the end of the 4th quarter, there will be one overtime (OT) period added on.